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Unlimited development prospect of oil filter


Nowadays, in addition to the high requirements for energy conservation environmental protection, enterprises have put forward higher broader requirements for solid-liquid separation technology equipment. In view of the social needs of mineral processing, metallurgy, petroleum, coal, chemical industry, environmental protection other industries, the application of solid-liquid separation technology equipment, especially oil filter products, has been promoted, the breadth depth of its application fields are still expanding.


The reason why the oil filter can develop vigorously is widely used in various industries, its great advantage is that the pressure difference of the traditional vacuum oil filter is much larger than that of the traditional vacuum oil filter. Therefore, the filter cake has low water content, less energy consumption, less metal loss, the filtrate is clear transparent. As early as more than ten years ago, some experts pointed out that the filter is the only one among all industrial filters that can ensure that the moisture content of filter cake reaches below 10, can add flocculant.

Vacuum oil filter The working principle is first positive pressure dehydration, also known as pulp dewatering, that is, a certain number of filter plates are closely arranged in a row under the action of strong mechanical force, a filter chamber is formed between the filter plate surface the filter plate surface. The filtering material is sent into the filter chamber under strong positive pressure. The solid part of the filtering material entering the filter chamber is intercepted by the filter medium to form filter cake, the liquid part is discharged through the filter medium With the increase of positive pressure, solid-liquid separation will be more thorough. However, considering the energy cost, too high positive pressure is cost-effective

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