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Working principle of centrifugal oil filter


The edible oil fine filter uses the light, heavy liquid solid phase with different density mutual immiscible in the mixed liquid (turbid liquid) to obtain different settling velocity in centrifugal force field gravity field, so as to achieve the purpose of separating layers settling solid particles in liquid. In the gravity field centrifugal force field, the light, heavy liquid solid phase with different density mutual immiscible can obtain different settling velocity, so as to separate separate layers. In gravity field, it is called gravity separation, in centrifugal force field it is called centrifugal separation. In the high-speed rotating drum, the multi-component with different density forms a circular ring under the action of centrifugal force. The large solid particles move outward accumulate on the periphery of the drum, the light phase liquid is in the inner layer. Because the centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of the drum is far greater than the heavy force, the centrifugal separation can obtain the effect of gravity separation only in a short time, especially when the gravity When separation can be achieved, only centrifugal separation method should be applied.

The features of small edible oil filter are as follows

1. The filtration speed is fast. The oil is filtered every 3-4 minutes, the amount of oil is 15-25kg each time. The oil residue is cleaned once every 1000kg.

2. Compared with other equipment, long-term use does need any consumable parts, no filter cloth cleaning consumption.

3. After the power is started, the drum will be cut off when it reaches the normal speed. The centrifugal force of the drum is used to filter the oil.

4. Compared with other oil filters, such as plate frame oil filter, the trouble of replacing filter cloth consumption of filter cloth, the danger of overpressure explosion of air pressure filtration the defects of low efficiency of repeated opening due to excessive oil sludge, the centrifugal filter has no consumption parts to purchase, which saves power time, has good effect, high purity of oil clear color, so it can be directly filled for sale eaten directly.

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