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Structure working principle of oil filter


This oil filter adopts the combined skills of swelling, agglutination, molecular adsorption, vacuum dryness, mechanical filtration, ambiguity control, etc., which can remove water, impurities, soap, acid, gum, pigment, etc. in turbine oil, so as to make the severely emulsified turbine oil demulsifying, transparent up to the standard. It is suitable for on-line purification treatment of turbine oil in hydraulic, thermal industrial steam turbine units The structure of oil filter is mainly composed of coarse filter, heater, vacuum cylinder, atomizer, vacuum pump, oil drain pump, cooler, temperature controller, fine filter electrical control components. The working principle of centrifugal oil purifier is simple its effect is remarkable. There is a rotor with a double jet nozzle in it, the driving force is only supplied by the pressure generated by the oil.



After the equipment is opened, the oil in the oil tank is sent to the rotor through the pump. After the standby oil overflows the rotor, it will spray out along the fuel injection nozzle at the lower part of the rotary table, which causes the rotor to rotate at high speed. Its rotational speed can reach 4000-6000r. P.m. its force is more than 2000 times of gravity. Based on the principle of centrifugal force, impurities are directly separated the oil. Hard sharp abrasive metal materials, together with the residues that wear parts degrade oil, can be removed even in the size of 1 μ M. The separated impurities are attached to the impurity collection cover in the rotor, which only needs to be cleaned regularly. In addition, because the specific gravity of water is greater than that of oil, under the effect of centrifugal force, water is separated the oil stored in the oil pan in the rotor, which only needs to be removed during cleaning.

The filtered oil flows back to the tank directly by gravity. To make the machine can be used for a long time, we need a kind of oil purification system which can minimize the loss of lubricating oil adhere to a higher cleanliness, so that your maintenance cost can be reduced. Now you will have the best oil purifier in the world: a true centrifugal purifier. Because the general I filter element to complete the cleaning action, their defect is that fine particles will easily pass through be completely blocked by large impurities, which will damage your U machine. However, the rotor in the centrifugal separator does include any other things except separating the impurities in the oil, which will never affect your oil products oil additives. The separation type cleaning action starts immediately after the engine starts, the center will stop. Even when the amount of filth it handles exceeds 5 times that of the general filter, it can still maintain the cleanliness of the oil, the oil additives can continue for a long time. The above is about the structure working principle of the oil filter. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us. We will update more relevant instructions for you

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