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U-shaped heating pipe

U-shaped heating pipe

  • Classification:Electric heater
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  • Release date:2020-07-13
  • Product overview

Technical features:

1. Without far-infrared coating, it has good spectral radiation matching absorption characteristics, long-term use of radiation performance does deteriorate, high efficiency of electrothermal conversion. It can save about 30% energy than general heating elements.

2. High working temperature wide selection range. Among them, the ceramic cap package type, high temperature resistance up to 800 ℃.

3. Fast heating, small thermal inertia, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, good stability of thermochemical properties, long service life high insulation strength.

4. Pollution free, it is a clean type heater, which meets the requirements of modern production with high rhythm high quality, is suitable for household appliances with high sanitary requirements.

5. The design, manufacture installation are very convenient, economical safe.


1. It is widely used as defrosting defrosting parts in refrigerator industry.

2. It is used in household appliances with high hygiene requirements, such as sterilization of disinfection cabinet, electric heater, copying over plastic equipment.

3. It is widely used in other industrial civil heating occasions, such as paint, tobacco, textile, food, agricultural grain, pharmaceutical, printing, paper making, carton, wood wood industry, which requires no pollution.

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