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Operating rules of micro oil filter


Operating rules of micro oil filter

Before the operation of the micro oil filter, carefully clip the filter paper with holes between each filter plate filter frame. The number of filter paper in each layer is generally 1-2, depending on the filtering requirements the quality of the filter paper. When clamping the filter paper, do deviate to cause leakage affect the filtering effect.

The filter paper should be dried before use, the drying temperature is about 120 ℃.

When using the used filter paper, the filter paper must be dried without any damage. Pay attention to the side with filter residue (i.e. the dirty side) should be placed against the filter frame, the filter plate should be used, so as to avoid the filter residue being washed down polluting the filtered oil.

When the filter pressure is high the filter paper is broken, a filter cloth can be lined on the side of the filter plate to increase the strength of the filter.

It is allowed that the filter plate can be compressed until the hand wheel is compressed, so as to damage the filter plate.

Close the sampling nozzle. If the user has a valve on the oil discharge pipe, the valve should be opened. Turn on the power supply of the motor to make the oil filter work. The normal working pressure of the oil filter changes with the viscosity of the oil filter the resistance of the discharge pipe. Generally, the initial pressure of the filter is low in the range of 0.05-0.3mpa. With the increase of the filtering time, the pressure increases gradually with the increase of the water absorbed by the filter residue filter paper. When the oil reaches a certain level (varies with the user's requirements for oil), the pressure shall be increased gradually Change the filter paper.

In the process of oil filtering, the oil nozzle can be unscrewed for sampling.

When shutting down, open the air inlet valve first, shut down the oil outlet pipe when there is no oil, close the oil inlet outlet valve, stop the oil pump, loosen the pressing device, take out the filter paper piece by piece, clean the filter paper filter residue in the filter frame, replace the filter paper clamp tightly again, after covering the oil tank, clean the coarse filter, cover the bolt again, wait for the next time.

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